96th Oscars Nominations Reaction

96th Oscars Nominations Reaction

This year’s Academy Award nominees were just announced on Tuesday and I’m not used to watching them sneakily at work instead of setting an alarm to get up early. Rather than run down all the categories, I’m just going to call out the storylines I’m watching for as the show approaches.

I’ve decided from now on I’m going to avoid using the word “snub.” As writers smarter than me have pointed out, claiming someone was snubbed assumes any nomination is taken for granted and diminishes the achievement for those who were nominated. This year had plenty of surprising misses, but no snubs.

Charlot #10: The Star Boarder

Release Date:
April 4, 1914


George Nichols

Also Starring:
Minta Durfee
Edgar Kennedy
Gordon Griffith


Worth Watching?
Maybe not

Whenever we went to new rooms, Charlie would ask the landlady, “Have you got a dark room, ma?”

Edith Scales, theatre costume mistress and Chaplin’s touring guardian in youth, quoted in Empire News, 1903